It's finally here.
The season I've been dreading since it ended last fall...
I don't really understand this town's obsession with fireworks. I swear they have them for every single stupid holiday. Since when did Memorial Day need fireworks? When did we stop doing them just on July 4th? Did I miss a memo somewhere?
I have nothing against the giant, fancy, professional fireworks displays. They're great, everybody loves them. No, what annoys the ever-loving crap out of me is my neighbors, celebrating who-knows-what, in the middle of the day on a freaking WEDNESDAY, for crying out loud. Fireworks on a Friday would at least be somewhat more reasonable. What is there to celebrate about a Wednesday?
And the fireworks going off at all hours of the night...sweat heaven, GO TO BED! IT'S MIDNIGHT YOU FOOLS! I'm absolutely the neighbor that calls in and reports the noise after 10 p.m. It's called a noise ordinance, as in we have one, and I swear if you wake me up with your stupid firecrackers one more time I'm gonna come down there and shove them up your nose. You don't need full dark for firecrackers, of all things.
I'm also kind of waiting for the day someone gets run over because people tend to think the middle of the street, in total darkness, is a GREAT place for fireworks. I understand the need for pavement, so you don't set the lawn on fire, but is the middle of the street really the BEST place for that, especially considering the way people drive around here? I vote no, but what do I know?
It's not like I'm a Smart Girl or anything...